Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dinner at Empire + Car gone kaput.

The moon was not sighted on Sunday, so fasting was not until Tuesday. That Monday, Brian gave me a call if it's ok to go to Empire and a stop at the Mall. I agreed as I needed to get some stuffs at the Mall too.

On arrival at Gadong, just at the traffic light towards The Mall, my car steering wheel suddenly had gone stiff and hard to manouvre, and the battery warning indicator showed. Fortunately, I was still able to drive, albeit the stiff steering wheel. I managed to get the car safely parked. Not panicking at all, I called my sister to ask her what to do and checked the bonnet it was the belting. Then "Aunty May" from 247-assist came to my mind. I called Alan and asked for his opinion. He then arranged for towing etc. Having to wait for the insurance people to arrange a towing pick up, I simply couldn't stand the wait any longer or $50 could have been gone towards the towing. I then decided to drive the car to the workshop.

Safely arrived at the workshop, then they thought that it was a simple failure and nothing serious. They were able to get it fixed in just an hour. Altogether the wait and all, it took me about 4 hours at least. Traffic was horrible, and my speedometer barely moved! But I am glad everything was fine, although Brian and his GF had to wait for that long at the mall. On arrival, I ran straight to Coffee Bean for some caffeine fix!

From Gadong, we headed to Empire for dinner. Contemplating between Atrium and Pantai, we finally then decided to go to Pantai as it's outdoor. The Empire is still nice as always. The dinner at Pantai was a steamboat with great selection of fresh meat and seafoods. Yum yum!!

View of The Empire main lobby building from the beach.

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The steamboat, and I called it the Asian Fondue!

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Taken by a tourist couple on the way to Pantai

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Me and Brian taken "at the mosque" ?? eheh

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A group pose at the lobby

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On the way home around 11pm, Rolande another best friend called and hoped to meet everyone in Seria. So, we met up at WyWy Seria, well there's no other place around that time! He came with his new scooter!!

Our attempt of the "2008" era pose!! Macam Mat Rempit lah.. ahah

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