Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The wave is back high again...

It's the final week before we break off for the Easter holidays. So much planned for the holidays and I'm looking forward to it.

I've been slacking with my blog entry, I know.. and I have been through so much over the past few weeks. I jsut don't know where to begin. They're not any dramatically devastating anyway. It's just the usual ups and downs of a final year student. Things happened.... *sigh*

For one, my laptop decided to crash on me. In just a simple snap, my laptop perhaps had given up on me after so long serving me processing thousands of words for my coursework. For a whole day.. literally whole 24 hours I spent on finding possible ways to revive it. It was as difficult to revive someone from a cardiac arrest! Finally it gave me either to reformat without back up or with the back up. Hell yeah, I ain't that stupid! Of course I chose the one with the back up. 6-7 hours later... my laptop was back as new. Cut long story short, the only data that were backed up were those useless factory pictures that came with this ever so annoying HP laptop. Apparently the problem is typical for all HP users with the *fbw file! arrgh! Thanks alot HP... you have just ruined all the memories I stored over the past 3 years! *sigh*.. but thanks to my other online album providers... at least I can still see those moments painted on pictures no matter how tiny they are.

Now, I'm taking my tiny little break *guilty* from writing my reflection due for tomorrow. I'm currently finishing my Podopaediatric coursework (about children's lower limb). Here's my draft.

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And I haven't got the time to tidy up my room meticulously... put OCD aside, I have priorities. This is how my room typically looks like when my life pretty much occupied with work anyway...

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Oh well... that's it for now. I promise I will put more exciting extry(ies) in short time! ta!!

1 comment:

thrumyeyes said...

hahaha bilikmu ani alai sani mun mamamu meliat riuh tia kali ni... tapi cool. normal look for students.