Monday, June 15, 2009

If only a day equals to 40 hours! - The end of the beginning

Exams off, now what's next?

Right after the exams, I wanted to take a day off. However, considering time was very short, I had to juggle many things at the same time. I am still sleep deprived. I hope I'll be able to catch those sleep at home.

Right the next day after the exams, I had to return all the library books that I had been hugging on to for the past 2-3 years! ahhaha Paid a visit to the nurse who was very helpful throughout my stay here in the UK arranging my health needs. She was surprised.. ehehe

I was also contemplating whether to pack and ship my stuff back home, or wait until I get my final results. Finally I decided to ship them back. Luckily I fouund a company who could handle the shipment within 24 hour notice. So far, the service have been brilliant and smooth going. Hope things will run smoothly till the things arrive in my hands, Insya Allah.

Then, the graduation ball on the 12th June 2009. It was smashing!! It was great, and everyone looked stunning!!!! We had a surprise show of drag queen performing. It was hilarious and very entertaining. S/he sang brilliantly and very spontaneous when engaging with the audience.

I'll leave you with some pictures here...

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A cake with our group picture on it.

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Then got invited to the Malaysian family for a mini get together, and today was a busy busy day. The landlord was here to carry out a house inspection making sure we get the deposit back. Then had a final monopoly game with Emily and Shahin. Now, it feels weird that the room is empty! Although, in the wardrobe are hidden clutters of things that I collected over the years!

I shall now look forward to the future, and hope all the best to come!! Amin.

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