Thursday, September 07, 2006

7th September 2006, MOH interview.

Alright, today was a day indeed. HAd my interview with Ministry of Health, Brunei for Staff Nurse post. On summary: IT SUCKS!

I simply couldnt find any better reasons to why they need to interview each of us. Top it off, they asked stupid questions. When I say stupid, it's really stupid! Here's some previews of it:

> Do you have the qualification to be a Nurse? - DA"OH!
> What do you see in Accident and Emergency Department? - What do I see? or what do you expect me to see? Singing audition competitors? DA"OH again!!
> In Emergency, why teamwork?

Those above are just itsy bitsy of it... *sigh* Most of my mates share the same thought as mine that the interview simply stupid and the questions asked were just out of the real topic!

Anyhoos, felt better after all those I went through. On the brighter side, I got my new laptop! whahhaha... sleek and sexy new laptop yaww!! Built in cam is the highlight! neyeheheh

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Oh btw, Cathy got the same one too! ahahha



p/s: strange about the interview? All certs had to be removed from the clear folder for submission hich includes driving license! ahhaha for a bit... i did this "LOL/ROFL/LMAO"

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