Thursday, June 29, 2006

Another embarassment?

The title says for itself! For the past few months I've been embarassing myself. If you've read my past writings, then you would know.

Ok, what fool have I made today?

I bought an item online via Malaysia company.. so they wrote me a confirmation email that reads like below:

Dear Tuan Haji Abdulah Sani Kamis ,
>>> Assalamualaikum,
>>> Saya Mohd Aman bin Muhami dari Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Saya CC this
>>> email to Big Marketing Group di UK, jadi saya kena guna bahasa English
>>> supaya mereka disana faham dengan apa yang nak sampai pada Tuan Haji.
>>> Terima Kasih!
Since he addressed me with the word "TUAN".. I was a bit prasan and honoured in a way. Although it's a common thing here in Brunei for a Haj to be addressed as Tuan and Hamba... but in Malaysia it does mean some sort of respect and status in a way (assumption?). So I decided to show off my kambangness to Cathy which reads:

woo hooo... I feel soo honoured and like a VIP to be called as TUAN!!!!
>> wahwhawhhawhahwa
>> But yeah, he got it right. "Tuan" is addressed to a Haji and the reply
>> would be "Hamba"
After sending, browsed the net for a bit and thought, eh? how come I did not have to put Cat's address? HOLY SHIT!!! I clicked "REPLY" instead "FORWARD"... so yeah.. basically he receives the above email from me! Such an embarassment kan?? Allah ma... sungguh memalukan.... too bad, internet was damn fast!!!!! Cannot undo... aiyah!

Ok have fun!

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